By Jon Webb
This month our New Vegas adventures continue as Marcus and Lily arrive to further reinforce your Super Mutants (and Survivors in Marcus’ case) as well as the robotic forms of the Securitron Enforcers.
The Securitron kit has been designed to be a little more flexible that you may be used to, with swappable arms and face plates (including one blank plate for folks feeling artistically adventurous as well as their shoulder missile pods being able to be deployed open or closed.
We continue to push the 3D team to add new options and features to kits, so expect to see more optional parts and swappable heads/arms in future releases.
To accompany the release of the Securitrons, one of our new batch of talented studio painters Craig has put together a great painting guide to help you all get your Robots fighting fit. Please check out the Modiphius YouTube channel and there will be more guides in the future so make sure you are subscribed.
Due to shipping woes (more on that below) the release of the September sets will be slightly delayed in the US/ROW but should arrive before the end of the month.

Commonwealth News
With only two more sets to round out the New Vegas wave (Survivors rejoice, your Companions are nearly here) we had been planning to roll straight into the Commonwealth with the reveal and release of what’s next.
Sadly the ongoing impact to shipping that Covid has caused means we will need to take a break between the end of New Vegas and the start of Commonwealth. We don’t have a final date yet, but it's looking highly likely that the next wave will start releasing in Q2 2022.
We will be hosting a big reveal show at the end of the year, showing all the amazing sculpts and paint jobs this wave contains. It’s honestly my favourite set of minis we’ve done so far (and yet the future continues to look bright, and not in an atomic blast sort of way) so the wait will be worth it.
With that said, we will continue to release digital products through the gap, with the concluding parts of the Unexpected Shepherd, all being well the long awaited Liberty Prime campaign and possible even a new gameplay module on the rules front and some exciting new 3D print assets to help you decorate your tables (and if you are remotely paying attention give some hints of what’s to come).
We’ll continue to update as we move forward and are reviewing new methods to get our releases where they need to be, when they need to be there, but global shipping is in a pretty difficult place right now, so we ask for your patience.
As ever, I want to wrap up by showing off some of the superb gaming and hobby efforts you all continue to share.
On the event front, our Wastelanders in Russia put on another great show, with Konstantin Tereshchuk running a Doubles event in Moscow. Once again their awesome tables and terrain were on show and made me very jealous of their setups.
They have more events coming up including rookie events for those newer to the tournament life (it’s not scary, try it out!)
Regarding terrain, there has been some fantastic work on that front popping up across the community. As ever, check out the WastelandWarfare Facebook page, subreddit, Instagram and Twitter and use the #FalloutFriday hash tag so I can find you and show you off in future bulletins.
Jordan Sanderson has recently completed a lovely little bus station plus some conversions and kit bashes for some less aggressive survivors to inhabit. The weathering and little details like the smashed windows makes this a great little slice of Wasteland life.
Paul Nickolan has also been putting together terrain for his games,recently completing a WLKM broadcast station. The grungy textures and details really let you know the station has sat empty for some time, but no doubt there is some great scrap to be recycled if you search hard enough.
Iron Hammer Studio on Twitter has another fantastic collection of terrain to play on. The textures and use of lots (and lots and lots) of it for the ground/debris is one of those things you don’t always see in terrain, but really helps set off the feel of a ruined region. Extra points for the walkways giving lots of exciting gameplay options and the colour pops from the rusted girders being used to make Super Mutant larders. Meat Bags ahoy!
To round out this month, here are some paint jobs that caught my eye.
Julian Jeratsch has been pushing the boat out (which is funny when you see what is being worked on next) with rebasing some of the Fallout range to add even more detail and variety to the basing. These Rad Roaches have been expertly removed from the bases (with WIP shots on the FB group if you want to try to emulate) and then remodelled into these great new versions.
Again, some key details and targeted weathering and you’d almost think you were looking at a screenshot from Fallout 4.
Toby Mo’s Super Mutants have some perfect conversions and a lovely muted yet popping colour scheme that seems to leap out of the screen. These Mutants mean business.
This one caught my eye as it’s one of my favourite Raiders, given a great paintjob with a limited palette that really sets him off. Turns out Ant aka ColourTheft is one of our resin team down in Cornwall. It’s great to see the passion for our minis doesn’t end when the work day does and this makes me want to jump on some raider paint jobs for sure.
Keeping the muted, weathered theme we seem to have arrived at this month, Levi Roper has been getting their NCR on and shown off this great Ranger. Another of my favourites from the line, you can’t beat the classic jeans, duster and gasmask of the Ranger armour set.
Finally, just to prove it’s not only grimy, weathered models that I like to see, Dustin Harvey, aka Jagged Brush Studios has a variety of striking paint jobs under his belt.The pops of colour and bold highlights really set the range off brillianty. Check out more at
Phew, that’s quite the rundown of the awesome community work out there. Don’t forget to keep tagging and sharing your hobby efforts for the showcase, please do email or use the #FalloutFriday.
Now it’s time to kick back, pop open a cool Nuka Cola and take a pause, but no doubt October’s #FalloutFriday will be here before you know it and we’ll see what you’ve all been up to.
Till next time.