Welcome to our third #FalloutFriday free download, the Vestiges Resurgent Part 2.
The Vestiges Resurgent is a short campaign divided into three separate scenarios and this is the second episode, with the final part released on Fallout Friday in January 2021. Each of these scenarios can be played as a stand alone mission or they can be played sequentially as a mini-campaign. They are specifically designed to be played in sequence, with the overall winner determined by the final scenario. The scenarios require the 2-Player Starter Set and the Enclave Wave Expansion Card Pack.
After storming the entrance to the base in part 1 and resupplying from the scavenged gear, the Enclave Remnants are ready to advance deep into the outpost’s underground sections. It’s likely that there will be more equipment and enemies beneath the surface, but the base must be secured. Room by room, if necessary. It’s likely to be dangerous, but the Enclave is not easily deterred from pursuing its agendas.
Fallout Fridays!
Each month we are going to be releasing a free PDF scenario for everyone to download and use as inspiration for their ongoing hobby. Whether you are a cut throat gamer, talented painter or creative scenery builder, you are welcome to join in the fun.
Once the PDF is released, we encourage you to download it and start planning. You have until the next month’s scenario to take part and we want you all to share your efforts on social media using the #FalloutFriday tag.
See our Fallout Friday blog for full details!
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