Star Trek Adventures MISSION PDF 026 A House by Any Other Name

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A threat to one of the Klingon Empire’s conquered systems sends a Klingon crew into an unexpected situation that may present an opportunity for the Empire. Aggression and rivalry make the situation more dangerous, but the deadly nature of Klingon diplomacy will ultimately decide what is best for the Empire.

A recently conquered subject race in the anti-spinward reaches of the Empire has sent out distress calls and claims of an invasion on the world of Hanasa. Your crew have been tasked to investigate immediately due to the system’s role in dilithium production and the presence of a shipyard belonging to a minor House.

Upon arrival in the distant system, the situation becomes clearer when a new player in the Empire’s dangerous political game makes an interesting offer to be recognized as the head of a new House, but also levels a threat to the entire system if their demands are not met. An existing House with interests in the system aggressively escalates the tension, leading to subterfuge and covert attacks between the two parties. As the situation threatens to spiral out of control, your crew is tasked to engage both parties in Klingon diplomacy and determine what is ultimately best for the Empire.

Although this is a standalone adventure, a bonus one-page mission brief provides inspiration for continuing the mission.

This 19-page PDF adventure for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game is written by Aaron M. Pollyea, and is set in 2371 with the player characters being the crew of a Klingon vessel. This adventure also contains advice on adaptation for use in other Star Trek time periods.

This product requires a Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use. This is a PDF product; upon purchase you will be emailed a link to access it. There is no print version of this product. You will receive a standard version of the adventure PDF.

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