There's Nothin' You Can't Do

By Georgie R.
Art by CLOUD


In last week’s blog post, we took a closer look at The Deepwoods Archives, one of the locations explored more in the Setting Guide which looks at the northern region of Emerta-Valo in more detail. Now, we’ll be looking more closely at Hexploration rules previously featured in the Gamamaster’s Toolkit, particularly on city-based exploration to aid your journeys into the City of Sighs. 

Whilst an entire Hexploration campaign can be set in one city, it can also be used to define a segment of a campaign which gives characters the option to adventure around the region a chosen map represents which will help them discover new and exciting things. These maps are divided into a grid of hexagonal spaces - referred to as Hexes - which are all the same size. Hexes are used as they have major advantages over squares, the main one being that the distance between each pair of adjacent Hexes are the same. Moving through these shapes is referred to as a Hex-crawl, characters can only move across a small number of them at a time as travel is careful and measured. Hex-crawls in the wilderness only allow for 2-3 Hexes of travel per day compared to urban Hex-crawls which cover smaller distances on smaller timescales, both carry the same risks so caution is advised. 

Hex-crawl campaigns can proceed in 2 different ways, the first is using a premade map where player characters can choose the hex they want to visit next. The second presents the player characters with an entirely blank map, with each hex containing a randomly generated terrain feature. Using the first method, player characters can tactically plan out exactly how they will explore the region in front of them based on their needs or their appetite for discovery. Low on water? They can choose a hex with a water source to top up their supplies. Have an itching feeling to explore the abandoned spaceport for hidden treasures? They can explore and see what surprises might be in store for them. This method offers a structured exploration of a map for player characters with the disadvantage that they know where they are going, so the element of surprise is lacking a bit compared to the other method. 

The second method is a bit more tailored towards venturing into the unknown and having player characters be adaptable to whatever situation might be thrown at them when they see the terrain feature generated for them when they venture into the hex. This method also can have some drawbacks as not just the player characters, but the gamemaster will also be kept guessing as they explore more of the map. It’ll make for some fascinating adventures, but be prepared for the unorthodox! 

Gamemasters will have an abundance of ways Hexploration can be implemented into campaigns, via either method mentioned already or a blend of them. Gamemasters can plan an open campaign for their players where they will know in advance what awaits them and choose their path of exploration, or they can close it off for everyone playing and let the element of surprise lead sessions through an unplanned map. They can also balance this through creating the map for themselves to see, but presenting players with a blank slate for them to choose their paths without knowing what's lurking ahead! 

The gamemaster can also make a hex-crawl map for specific locations, players could be visiting a named location such as The Deepwoods Archives but lacking in knowledge of the surrounding area. By utilizing one of these maps, player characters can plan tactics for exploration and safely navigate the unknown. If there’s a Courier on the team, their advantage in Quickness could mean them being sent in ahead of the other player characters to scout the surroundings and check for any danger before committing to exploring a hex. If there’s danger ahead the player characters aren’t ready to face yet, they can backpedal to safety and come back to the area when they feel ready to tackle it. 

Hexploration is a thrilling and unpredictable way to play Dreams and Machines where both players and gamemasters can build new experiences that will never be the same between campaigns. With multiple ways to play, gamemasters can tailor the campaign experience to their players and the pace of play they are comfortable with. The added flexibility of being able to speed things up, or slow the pace down can offer players a challenge they may not have faced before which would require them to think from a different angle to overcome the problems in their way. Players will also have the joy of exploring new areas in different ways with the addition of facing challenges or obstacles which may require solutions they may not have thought about before. The premise of exploring these new lands north of New Mossgrove will bring thrills, suspense, and more as players move between hexes further into the unknown.

Will you be a gamemaster planning out maps for your players to hexplore? Or will you be a player ready and raring to step foot into the unknown?

You can ready yourself for your own adventures in Emerta-Valo by pre-ordering the Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo today!


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