Field Guide Study #1 - The Deepwoods Archives

By Georgie R.
Art by CLOUD


The first place we’ll be taking a closer look at is The Deepwoods Archives. Once known to harbor the great Kasteel University nestled away by the Kasteelian Cliffs, a growing community of Archivists have managed to carve out a living in this otherwise barren landscape of calcified forests. Only the inner two main towers survived both the War and the devastating wildfires that followed, worsened by the Builder’s mechs fanning it. Now they both stand as a reminder of what was, oddly standing out in a monochrome background of calcified trees. 

When the War first broke out, Deepwoods was one of the first to hear the call. Under Professor Lev Alexandra it became a center of resistance for storing information for the day humanity would need it. This inevitably made it a target.While the Archivists were able to flee into the mountains, the place they returned to was a mere shadow of what it once was. This did not deter the returning group, however, as they got to work and grew a community of Archivists under the Professor’s leadership. Even though he died shortly after the war, his work continued and there now stands a thriving Archivist epicenter in Regis-Kasteel. 

The Deepwoods differs to most other Archivist groups due to both their epicurean philosophy and their welcoming of other Archivists and Everans regardless of their own beliefs and philosophies. A diverse community would allow for more debates and talks geared towards improvements of the compound and this paid off as it went from strength to strength. The people scavenge, salvage, trade, grow, and teach all whose minds are open enough to learn. On the inside of the compound, many different areas can be found which are localized to specific groups which have developed individual identities and friendly rivalries. Led by the aging Estro Attleigh, the group in charge of the Archive strives to maintain harmony between all individuals who reside here. But some fear this could be manipulated and with the ongoing feud between Attleigh and Bruan of Padrol Tower, some worry about the future of Deepwoods if things continue as they are. 

The community is rather innovative, being able to scavenge surrounding areas for tech, growing what they can and teaching who they can to improve the compound. This coupled with their strong links to surrounding communities keeps Deepwoods well supplied with most things they need, their power comes from geothermal spikes and access to clean water. The community isn’t quite self-sufficient yet, however, as members will venture out to places such as New Mossgrove to trade for essentials they do need. It might not be on par with a Spear Cell, but the Deepwoods is well-defended by Estro Farah and her volunteer Guardians. Whilst she isn’t liked very much among those who follow her, she is greatly respected as an experienced fighter from her life prior to joining. 

The Archives is a beautiful epicenter of living in a way where the belief of sharing ideas for the good of all is clearly embodied in all aspects of life between the different factions living together. But some worry for the community, could this need to keep the peace pave the way for someone to take advantage and drive a wedge? Could the lack of confidence in Estro Attleigh’s leadership open the door for a coup?

Adventurers can immerse themselves in a community full of differing philosophies within the Deepwoods Archives, but this idyllic way of life may change to fiction rather than fact…

Until then, you can prepare yourself for your own adventures in Emerta-Valo by pre-ordering the Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo today!


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