The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Tales of Tamriel (PDF)

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Throughout the turbulent history of Tamriel, oft a Man or Mer of no prior significance has stepped into the spotlight of history to turn the tide and restore Tamriel to its rightful peaceful state. Some of these heroes have proved to be worthy of great remembrance, their stories inked forever in the pages of history. Nerevarine, for example, protector of Morrowind, or the Hero of Kvatch, whose actions during the Oblivion Crisis aided in the utter defeat of Mehrunes Dagon. These champions fought against all odds, starting from nothing to cement their places as true paragons of Tamriel.

Elsewhere, from the bustling streets of the mighty Imperial City, the echoing halls of Markarth, to the gently lowing cattle of innumerable farmsteads, the peoples of Tamriel gather together for protection and companionship. Be it within the walls of fortified towns like Whiterun or Bruma, isolated villages like Harlun’s Watch of Seyda Neen, or even tiny farmsteads like Applewatch or Brandy-Mug, protection from the elements and dangers present in the untamed lands of Tamriel is vital to survival. These settlements must be able to provide for themselves, protect themselves, and hope to trade with the outside world, to prosper and grow.

Tales of Tamriel is a rules expansion in two parts for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. The Untold Legends rules will allow you to create parties that evolve and level up between games, and The Adventurer’s Guide to Settlement Building will see you developing a small village into a bustling town.

The 71 page, full colour PDF includes:

  • The Untold Legends rules: Earn and spend experience to enhance your Party! 
    • Each scenario you play is linked to the next via the Boons earned, or Injuries sustained by your models. 
    • Become a legendary hero as your character’s deeds grow into a saga worthy of song! 
    • These rules provide an ongoing way to show the growth of your warband, rather than having a set end point. 
    • It is not just individual models that can change: as they fight hardship after hardship, the bonds between the members of a Party will strengthen, leading to even more ways for you to customize your games.
  • The Adventurer’s Guide to Settlement Building: Carve out your own slice of land in the realm of Skyrim! 
    • Gather resources, manage your workers, and protect your domain from unsavoury characters looking to take what is rightfully yours. 
    • Starting from humble beginnings, you could gain a castle keep, a bustling fishery trade, or a market hub - it is your settlement so the story of how it develops is up to you to decide.
    • The choices you make in your settlements will impact what you field in your warbands on the tabletop.
    • Two Settlement Scenarios to play through, plus additional Expeditions rules that allow you to collect settlement resources during these, or any other, scenarios.
  • Both Untold Legends and The Adventurer’s Guide to Settlement Building can be used independently, together, and even combined with other The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms expansions.

Requires The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Core Rules Box to use.

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