Star Trek Adventures MISSION PDF 028 Alternative Truths

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The Klingon homeworld of Qo’noS is on the tipping point of ecological catastrophe. Starfleet’s newly-forged alliance with the Klingon Empire offers an opportunity to provide assistance, but the political situation on Qo’noS is more dangerous than ever and Starfleet’s much-needed help may not be easy to provide.

Environmental catastrophe has struck the heart of the Klingon Empire. Praxis, the moon orbiting the Klingon homeworld Qo’noS, has exploded, bombarding the capital planet’s ozone with pollution and debris. If left unchecked, oxygen supplies on Qo’noS will expire within 50 years. The Klingons–with the assistance of their new “friends” in Starfleet–are determined to avert this fate.

But even as the prospect of annihilation looms, a Klingon scientist makes accusations of a cover-up and conspiracy which puts the player characters in a difficult position. The precarious peace between the Klingons and Starfleet is also on the line and inaction is not an option. The player characters must ultimately decide how to preserve the nascent alliance amidst the deadly climate of environmental disaster, political tension, and skullduggery. 

Although this is a standalone adventure, a bonus one-page mission brief provides inspiration for continuing the mission.

This 20-page PDF adventure for the first edition Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game is written by Michael Duxbury, and is set shortly after the events of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, with the player characters being the crew of a Federation vessel. This adventure also contains advice on adaptation for use in other Star Trek time periods.

This adventure requires a Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use. You will receive a standard version of the adventure PDF as well as a printer-friendly version in PDF.

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