Star Trek Adventures: Back to Reality Adventure

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What lies at the center of the Pinicon Belt?

This adventure presents a crew of player characters with a profound ethical dilemma that could have sweeping ramifications that extend far beyond their own universe.

When the player characters investigate a dangerous asteroid field, they are confronted with doppelgangers from a different quantum reality where the Borg reign supreme. Can the player characters resolve tensions with their counterparts and solve the mysteries within an abandoned space station at the center of the asteroid field?

This standalone 17-page PDF adventure by Fred Love is for the Star Trek Adventures Roleplaying Game and is set during The Next Generation era. This adventure also contains advice for adaptation for use in campaigns based in other Star Trek eras. Download includes a regular version and a printer-friendly version.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Richard Coates
A great idea for a mission, very well written and easy to run

On the day this PDF was released I was struggling to come up with a plot for my game, so I purchased it and after a single read through felt ready to run it. The core idea is really great – utilising Star Trek tropes commonly seen in the shows – and is very well written to focus the game on the key plot and dilemma rather than superfluous details. This also makes it very easy to pick up and run without too much preparation.

My own group managed to mess up Back to Reality and spent three more sessions trying to repair the damage that they'd done, which led to even more quantum reality fun. Your experience may vary, of course, but I get the feeling that Back to Reality and what followed on from it will be what my players remember about our game years later. From the characters and situations it created to the point when they had that "profound ethical dilemma" to decide on, Back to Reality is proper Star Trek storytelling and a lot of fun.

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