Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Super Mutants: Skirmishers

Sale price$32.99
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Super Mutants love to hunt and eat. If that means shooting down (mostly) defenceless ‘meat bags’ from afar or blowing their next meal into chunks will explosives, they are happy to do so. Their favourite method of ‘food preparation’ however is to get up close and personal and batter their next meal into submission with whatever comes to hand.

Many Super Mutants prefer the ability to smash things and people in a paste or chunks to the relative safety of blasting them apart from range. While their fists are more than a match for most materials, armor plate or faces, the satisfying crunch, crumple or crack of weapon on body is much more enjoyable. Planks of wood, twisted pipes or rusted tool are all favourite, but as long as the food is suitably tenderised and stops moving, they couldn’t be happier.

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Super Mutant miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. 

Please note does not include cards, unit and weapon cards are available to download for free, or get everything including their AI Cards in the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Daniel Cordova

hello all. my name is daniel cordova AND I LOVVVVVVEE SUPER MUTUNTS! they are my favrite enamy in fall out 4!!!!! my caracters name is jeff and he loves beating up super mutunts BECUSE THEY ARE DUMB!!!!!! thank you for reading, and i hope you have a good day.

Very happy purchase

I bulk bought a lot of the Fallout figures and I have not had any issue with even one box from my purchase. They have all felt extremely faithful to the game and the detail for this scale is perfect.
The resin is a really nice quality, superior to Games Workshop’s Finecast (at least to my eye). I’ve not had any real issue with bubbles or similar problems, miscasts have been rare and easily fixed. This is a quality product, which is true of the entire fallout range that I’ve had the pleasure of owning so far.
As a disclaimer, I’m copying this review across the fallout purchases I’ve made as it is a fair reflection of each of them.

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