By Jim Johnson, Star Trek Adventures Project Manager
Art by Grzegorz Pedrycz
Releasing alongside the new Star Trek™ Adventures second edition core rulebook is the first supplement for second edition, the Game Toolkit. Similar to the toolkits produced for first edition and The Klingon Empire line of products, the new toolkit offers a wealth of material gamemasters and players can use to enhance their adventures and campaigns. If you’re curious to know more about the content included in the toolkit, read on!

The key component of the toolkit is the four-panel, US letter-sized game screen. It features full-color art by artist Paolo Puggioni of the U.S.S. Enterprise approaching a mysterious alien space station on one side, and a wealth of rules guidance, tables, and page references to the core rulebook on the reverse. Whether kept flat on the game table or upright between gamemaster and players, you’ll find the reference side of the screen contains rules content you’re likely to frequently reference.
Next is the full-color, 40-page booklet, containing additional material designed to supplement your second edition game experience. In addition to guidance for the gamemaster, five new starship talents, and five new starship mission profiles, you’ll find two additional special rules for starships (Four-Nacelle Stability and Mission Pod), along with eleven mission pod options. Also included are spaceframes utilizing these new special rules: the Constellation and Sagan classes with their unusual four-nacelle designs; and the Nebula and Luna classes, which both make use of mission pods.
In total, 17 additional spaceframes are included in the booklet. The 15 Starfleet classes offered in addition to those listed above present a spread of well-known spaceframes (such as the Crossfield, Miranda, Akira, Defiant, and Nova classes) and a few ships appearing in the RPG for the first time (such as the Columbia and Pioneer classes).

Art by Thomas Marrone
These Starfleet ships are accompanied by the Klingon Vor’cha-class attack cruiser and the Romulan Mogai-class warbird, both of which serve to add more powerful vessels to their respective fleets.
The next group of included components consists of eight double-sided reference cards, detailing content likely to be referenced by players regularly during game sessions. The eight cards include a rules summary card, a personal conflict reference card, a starship conflict reference card, four cards listing standard major and minor actions as well as key actions for specific positions (command, communications, engineering, helm/navigation, operations, and tactical). Also included is a starship breaches card, which can be used with both Star Trek Adventures and the Captain’s Log solo RPG to generate thematic descriptions and traits for breaches affecting damaged ship systems.
Finally, included in the toolkit is a large, two-sided poster suitable for framing. On one side is the evocative cover artwork for the standard edition of the second edition core rulebook by artist Paolo Puggioni, presenting our diverse array of iconic characters emerging from the Guardian of Forever. On the other side is a detailed map of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants circa the mid-23rd century, adapted from the same star map visible on-screen in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
I hope you’ll find the Game Toolkit a worthwhile addition to the Star Trek Adventures game line. May you get a lot of use out of the many components contained in the package
Pre-order your copy of the second edition Star Trek Adventures core rulebook now in standard format or one of three limited edition covers! And preorder a copy of the second edition Game Toolkit as well, to expand your options for exploring the final frontier.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Command):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Sciences):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Operations):
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