By Jon Webb
Welcome Wastelanders once more to the last Fallout Friday of 2021.
December is usually a quiet month, but we’ve decided to go out with a bang. If you were paying attention and joined us on Twitch yesterday, you will have seen the reveals of all of Wave 6, The Commonwealth.
Did you miss out? Well, no fear, the rerun will be available on our YouTube channel and in the meanwhile here are some shots of all that’s coming, starting April 2022 (ongoing logistical issues notwithstanding).

This one is a pretty major slice of Boston, with two new factions in the Gunners and the Railroad to bring new options and playstyles to the table, as well as an advance look at the Children of Atom who will be rounded out in the future.
Robots players will finally be rewarded for their patience with two sets of classic Chassis to provide those much requested models to round out your collections with even more options and profiles. There is even the first (of hopefully many) hats to dress your dapper crew of metallic miscreants.
Creature Controllers also see plenty of new options, including the terrifying Deathclaw Matriarch (this one goes out to Wastelander Adam Hunecke whose amazing conversion work inspired this sculpt) and several of the Fauna you might stumble across. For those who prefer their force to be of an animal nature… well, wave 7 may be of even further interest.
Finally, we see Swan arrive. The team has really outdone themselves here, with Domingo doing an incredible job. There are so many awesome details and textures on the model, which took inspiration from both the in game assets and the concept art to really make a special centrepiece for all Super Mutant players out there. Keep an eye on those ponds as you explore folks.
3D Printing Releases
Our exploration of the 3D printing sphere continues. It’s a smaller month this month (but don’t get complacent, January’s drop is… sizeable). For anyone who is working on terrain for their Nuka World tables, these adorable Cappy and Bottle figures will add another layer of detail. With both sitting and standing options, you can drop them onto buildings, furniture or as freestanding terrain (well, you might need to add a base to stop them falling over in some cases) and add even more fizzy fun to your tables.

It seems I have got somewhat addicted to the taste of Nuka Cola (either that or the rads are getting to me) as there are even more sets of Nuka World terrain coming. Next month there are six new sets (or one big bundle) and that won’t be the last of it. Other regions will get their time to shine though, don’t worry.

We’ve also updated several of the older sets, ensuring they meet our new baseline standards including supports. The Crashed UFO, Tank and Corvega Sedan have all been updated across our 3D printing channels, so if you have previously bought them on either the store, My Mini Factory or DriveThru RPG, then check the latest files for refreshed resources that should deal with any of the issues that were being encountered.
I’ll update as we move through the phase one products, next on my hitlist are the Vertibird sets.
Community Round Up
Once again, we turn to the community to see what all you fine Wastelanders have been up to, whether hobbying, terrain building or playing.
In the miniature painting space, there are some awesome figures that have caught my eye. New Vegas is obviously having a bit of time in the sun as it's fresh off the block, with Tristan Liebegott and John Woodcock showing their colours.

Boston also remains a popular destination for Wastelanders, with Matti from Shipwreck Inn Miniatures and Al Colbert showing off some new recruits for their various forces.

Over in Appalachia, these two Robots from Clara and Julian really caught my attention and show what can be done with a clever paint job and/or some minor conversion work.

With all the new STL files, the 3D printers have been churning away it seems. Adrien has done a lovely job weathering up the two new vehicles, Meanwhile, ElPapo is the first full table of the Nuka World terrain I have seen. Top marks for such a swift yet satisfying paint job there.

Not to be outdone on the more traditional terrain building front, Hans Moter has put together some intricately detailed carved ruins and a bus stop inspired by his local area.

Meanwhile, community champion Jordan Sanderson has put down roots with his settlers, crafting some lovely crop scatter and farm buildings all ready to be raided.

On the gaming front, Olli is back. Once again he and Daniel have been plugging away, this time working through the entire New Vegas campaign book. Meanwhile newcomer Gary has been putting his Enclave to the test, matching up against some fearsome Super Mutants in another thematic battle field.
As ever, it's the details that grab my attention, all the bits of scatter and Fallout theming really elevate these tables and make them pop.

Thanks to everyone featured and please everyone keep posting as it's one of the highlights of the month going through my feeds and seeing what everyone has been accomplishing.
Those of you who have been with us a while may remember that we used to feature new scenarios for Fallout Friday. It’s been a while, but with the holiday period looming, hopefully people will have a little time to play some games. As such, here are some new scenarios to try out.
Covering more of the New Vegas wave of releases, these scenarios will continue to take you throughout the Mojave region, encountering many of the weird and wonderful denizens that live there.
Hopefully you'll enjoy. Please do share your efforts online where I can feature them in the new year.
That’s it for 2021. The year has not gone 100% to plan, but we are another wave down with New Vegas and planning lots of exciting new releases in 2022 and beyond.
On behalf of the Modiphius team I’d like to thank all you Wastelanders for flying the Fallout flag and painting, playing, and sharing all the Wasteland Warfare that you do.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday period and we’ll see you all in the new year for plenty more #FalloutFriday fun.