Fallout Friday April 2022

By Jon Webb


Greetings Wastelanders to another roundup of all things Fallout Wasteland Warfare, here for April. Sadly, despite my best efforts and several doses of RadX, I have been inflicted with Covid and am operating at reduced capacity so things may be a little brief for this month’s review.

Commonwealth Release

The Commonwealth wave has finally arrived. Despite the best efforts of global pandemics and shipping chaos the start of wave 6 can be found on our webstore and should be in local stores in your area also (and if not, ask them why they are not stocking the line).

Month one sees the first arrival of the secretive Railroad with the core box containing several key members of their leadership and elite agents, as well as the downright dirty mercenary Gunners core, with a unit of hard bitten fighters willing to do whatever for a handful of caps.

Accompanying this wave launch is Grognak. Whether for a painting project, close combat focussed survivor or just because you love the Unstoppables, the Grognak mini (with The Elder Scrolls easter egg for those paying close attention) will make for a change of pace in your Wasteland Warfare painting and gaming.

The one thing you might notice missing is the card pack/rule book to accompany the launch of the wave. This is coming, but has hit a slight production delay so should be with us for next month’s release of the second half of the Gunners and Railroad. In the meanwhile, head over to the downloads section at https://www.modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads for the cards and points you need to add these factions to your table.

The Commonwealth wave runs for six months and if you missed the previews, check out the Modiphius YouTube channel for reveals of all the boxes to expect in that period.


Restocks and reprints

Anyone checking out the website may have noticed a few gaps in the line. It seems players can’t get enough of our minis and several sets are currently out of stock. The Enclave in particular seem to be very popular (all that Power Armour right)? But don’t worry, our resin experts are hard at work remastering and reprinting and we’ve got a big restock coming in the next few months to refill those empty shelves.

We are also reprinting the missing card packs, with the Enclave and Institute wave packs and the Denizens of the Wasteland (great for creature players of all stripes) all due in time also.

3D Printing

I had promised one more set of Nuka World themed terrain, and it arrives this month with the Pack Animal Decor. Those troubling Pack Raiders over in the Safari Adventure (well, that’s where I let them live in my play through at least) have been making use of the materials on hand and created several somewhat troubling furniture and costumes to spruce the place up. Weird huh?

Anyone without a 3D printer who was interested in picking up the promotional Nuka Girl figure can now go to https://only-games.co/products/vaulttec-postergir and get a printed copy of their own. If this initiative proves successful we will continue to explore options for providing some of the STL range in physical format.

Terrain Competition

Instead of the usual community round up, this month I’m going to feature the winners of the recent Terrain Competition we ran here. Each of the four categories was hotly contested, with scratch built and mixed being the most popular.

Any of the shortlisted entries could have taken it home in all honesty as the quality was very high, so even if you didn’t take the prize then the work was still of exceptional quality.

I’m working on a gallery to feature more of everyone’s efforts as there are some superb entries that people shouldn’t miss, so keep an eye out for that in the future.

The winners of each category are:

3D Printed - Adrien Fe

Mixed Materials - Fredrik Olsson

Resin Terrain - Mikey (the lonepainter)

Scratch Built - Tim Warnke

Each of you wins $100 added to your webstore account to spend on any of the Modiphius line (but you are going to buy Wasteland Warfare supplies right)?

I also wanted to give a special judges prize to Crafty Ric. While the entry wasn’t quite terrain, being more of a diorama, I loved the painting and details so am going to award $50 of credit for the entry also. My competition, my rules I guess.

Thanks to everyone who entered, I had over 60 emails to pour over with so much superb effort. As noted, a showcase of some of my shortlisted picks will be added in the near future.

Also thanks to Julian Jeratsch who has recently joined my merry crew to make awesome terrain and painting guides for Wasteland Warfare and who helped me hone my shortlist down to the four winners.

That’s about it for this month. I need to crawl back into my shelter and grab some sleep to try to fend off this virus (well, hopefully it’s that and not ghoulhood bearing down on me…) I hope you all enjoy the new Commonwealth releases and are excited to see what’s planned for the following wave Forged in the Fire, which we will be revealing in the very near future.

Take care Wastelanders.


Fallout fridayFallout: wasteland warfare