By Rachael Cruz and Patrick Goodman, Star Trek Adventures Contributing Writer
Art by Grzegorz Pedrycz
The Star Trek Adventures second edition core rulebook is now available in print and digital formats. To support the game’s launch, we’re using several weeks of STA-related blogs to provide more detail on each playable character species presented in the core rulebook. Perhaps the information provided in these brief travelogues will help to arm you with ideas and inspiration on what species you might want to use for your character.
Planetary Background
Denobula is the second planet in the Denobula Triaxa star system, located in the Beta Quadrant, relatively close to the Romulan Neutral Zone. It is the home of the Denobulan species (see page 105 of the second edition core rulebook), one of humanity’s oldest allies. It’s a densely populated planet, having a single continent inhabited by more than 12 billion people.
With such a dense population, a considerable portion of the continent is dedicated to urban arcology complexes. This sort of hustle and bustle suits the gregarious population, who are most comfortable in communal living arrangements. The fact they don’t sleep like most humanoid species means it’s never difficult to find something to do.
Just because there’s tremendous urban development doesn’t mean the Denoublans disdain nature. Considerable care is taken, in fact, to ensure the natural environment is well tended. While crowded, the world is a near-paradise for its many inhabitants.
Denobula was once wracked by massive storms which threatened the population many times, until they developed effective weather control technology. They quickly became renowned for their expertise in the field, and their meteorological technology is among the finest in the Federation. It has been used on many worlds over the years.
Why You Should Play
Growing up on Denobula, you’re certain to encounter people wherever you go. With a population of billions of Denobulans who sleep only one week out of the year, you’re also guaranteed to find something to do at any hour of the day or night. This near-constant onslaught of people can easily lead to having a high Presence attribute, to help you stand out and hold your own in a crowd.
Despite the crowded conditions, or perhaps because of them, Denobulans don’t like to be touched, and they have a very well-developed sense of personal space. On such a densely-populated world, not being touched is sometimes the only privacy one can get, and one’s Control attribute is often honed while respecting this.
Being constantly awake affords Denobulans plenty of time to study and better themselves. This emphasis on education and self-improvement often leads to both a higher Reason and an increased Insight.

art by Angel Alonzo Miguel
Planetary Background
The Romulan Empire exists in the northern part of the Beta Quadrant, ‘above’ the massive Klingon Empire. For a notable span of history, the nature of its star had been like the Romulans themselves: something of a mystery.
A dust cloud, its molecular composition as yet unknown, somehow manages to distort sensors and make it difficult to get accurate readings. It also has a surprise quirk: the dust makes the sunsets on the planet universally admired. With its beauty and temperate climate, this world could be another paradise planet, like Risa, if it had only wished it.
This, though, was the world chosen generations ago when their ancestors departed Vulcan, and most agree this was a wise choice. Here, the xenophobic Romulans live their lives and keep their secrets, enfolded in the warm embrace of a star that naturally wants to keep them for itself.
Why You Should Play
Who wouldn’t want to grow up on the most beautiful planet in the Beta Quadrant? Being raised on such a world would doubtless flavor how one views other planets and cultures. Would your character welcome such differences, or would they cast judgement first, facing their assumptions later in their story?
Whether you are a secretive, emotionally extreme Romulan (see page 110 of the second edition core rulebook) or another species raised on this planet, the insular, self-assured, careful nature of the dominant society would be ingrained. A sharp mind knows its powers and can hide them from others as needed; Control and Reason would be encouraged by all.
Order your print copy of the second edition Star Trek Adventures core rulebook now in standard format or one of three limited edition covers! And order a print copy of the second edition Game Toolkit as well, to expand your options for exploring the final frontier.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Command):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Sciences):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Operations):
All print orders will also receive the digital versions right away.
Alternatively, you can order the digital editions by themselves of the standard core rulebook and the Game Toolkit.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook PDF:
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