By Rachael Cruz and Patrick Goodman, Star Trek Adventures Contributing Writer
Art by Paolo Puggioni
The Star Trek Adventures second edition core rulebook is now available in print and digital formats. To support the game’s launch, we’re using several weeks of STA-related blogs to provide more detail on each of the playable character species presented in the core rulebook. Perhaps the information provided in these brief travelogues will help to arm you with ideas and inspiration on what species you might want to use for your character.
Planetary Background
While a temperate planet, Tellar Prime is notably warmer than Earth. Its wetlands are much beloved, with its mud touted throughout the Galaxy as having therapeutic benefits. It has extensive hills and fantastic cave networks, the most famous of which is the birthplace of the Tellarites’ Fifteen Treatises of Good Conduct in Debate.
The sentient species of the planet, the Tellarites (see page 111 of the second edition core rulebook) are often more described and detailed than the environments in which they grew, and that may be a deliberate choice on their parts. Or it may just be that the Tellarites annoy visitors so often that they don’t get many of them!
Why You Should Play
Whether you play a big-brained and big-mouthed Tellarite or just someone who was raised on Tellar Prime, you probably have developed a notable heat tolerance and may find yourself more susceptible to chilly temperatures. Living on a swampy planet has its benefits; some find themselves with stronger constitutions and an immune system making them more resilient and resistant to diseases.
With the Tellarite emphasis on debate and tactics, people raised here often have notable Insight and Control. Their competitive spirit might make others perceive them as being antagonistic or rude, but sometimes blunt honesty can cut right through to the heart of a matter. The willingness to confront one’s own shortcomings is deeply respected by inhabitants of Tellar Prime.

Art by Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo
Planetary Background
Not many planets can boast about having two sentient species which call it home, but Trill can make that claim. Those two species, the Trill (see page 112 of the second edition core rulebook) and the symbionts, can exist independently, but are better known for their Joined form.
As Class-M planets go, Trill is fairly large, at 1.64 times the diameter of Earth, and with considerably more surface area. Its core is somewhat less dense than Earth’s, though, giving Trill roughly the same gravity. It’s seismically active and given to climatological extremes. These extremes are one of the things that attract many of the tourists who visit Trill, as are the planet’s many mountain ranges and cave complexes.
Many of the caves are considered sacred and off-limits to most people. These are the caves which the unjoined symbionts call home. While there are many such caves one the planet, the most famous are the Caves of Mak’ala, located outside the capitol city of Mak’ala. This is where the Symbiosis Commission calls home, and where the majority of Joinings between Trill and symbionts take place.
Why You Should Play
Trill is a wonderful place to call home, whether you’re a native or an off-worlder. It’s temperate climate and extensive natural wonders lead to a thriving tourist economy, and more than a few tourists have decided to put down roots there.
Trill society values and emphasizes education of all kinds. The academic requirements for Joining established by the Symbiosis Commission are high and have carried over into all aspects of education. This often leads to a heightened Reason among those who go through the system. With the lifespan of the symbionts measured in centuries, Trill society often takes the long view on things, which can lead to an emphasis on Control.
With a significant surface area, but a comparatively small population, Trill is home to extensive undeveloped land and wild fauna, both tranquil and daunting. Whether your fancy is swimming in or sailing on the planet’s purple-tinted oceans, spelunking in the many vast cave complexes which exist there, or dodging itronoks as you climb the Tenaran Ice Cliffs, you’ll find many ways to enhance your Fitness.
Order your print copy of the second edition Star Trek Adventures core rulebook now in standard format or one of three limited edition covers! And order a print copy of the second edition Game Toolkit as well, to expand your options for exploring the final frontier.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Command):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Sciences):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Operations):
All print orders will also receive the digital versions right away.
Alternatively, you can order the digital editions by themselves of the standard core rulebook and the Game Toolkit.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook PDF:
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