By Rachael Cruz and Patrick Goodman, Star Trek Adventures Contributing Writer
Art by Vincent Laik
The Star Trek Adventures second edition core rulebook is now available in print and digital formats. To support the game’s launch, we’re using several weeks of STA-related blogs to provide more detail on each of the playable character species presented in the core rulebook. Perhaps the information provided in these brief travelogues will help to arm you with ideas and inspiration on what species you might want to use for your character.
Planetary Background
With its wet, rainy swamps and thick, overgrown vegetation, Ferenginar is what some might call an “acquired taste.” The wilds of the Ferengi homeworld rain nearly constantly, and thickened rivers of muck are a normal and comforting sight to the native population. While many find the cold, wet atmosphere daunting and—let’s be honest—miserable, the natives find it the most beautiful planet in the universe. Admittedly, this is more a mental aesthetic than physical; the world is a tribute to how powerful its inhabitants are. Despite its marshy appearance and overgrown mires, the buildings and civilization display a wealth of ingenuity—and Ferenginar loves its wealth.
Instead of nature being held as its high standard, the primary inhabitants of this world value commerce above all. This Class-M planet is almost completely colonized, and the native fauna have been caged or otherwise contained. Worry not, though; the animals can still be seen at Natural Viewing Attractions, so long as you have the gold-pressed latinum to purchase entry.
One cannot mention Ferenginar without thinking of its most famous landmarks: the Tower of Commerce, the Sacred Marketplace, and the Tomb of Grand Nagus Bork. Each of these, with their own storied past, illustrate just how deep an importance this world places on commerce. The entire structure of their world revolves around profit and its acquisition.
Why You Should Play
If you want to play a Ferengi (see page 106 of the second edition core rulebook), others might see your character as opportunistic, money-hungry, and scheming—and you might thank them for that! Another species living on Ferenginar would certainly be taught the importance of acquisition and business. A smart collector has a great force of personality and makes sure to know their tables before they arrive to them. Insight helps you to know the people with whom you deal, and of course, you can’t negotiate without a good sense of Presence.

art by Paolo Puggioni
Planetary Background
The second planet in the Pi3 Orionis system, the lush green world of Orion is a planet at once renowned and shrouded in mystery. While they’re located within Federation space, they’re not a member world, or even an ally. Fiercely independent, Orion has long been known as a center of trade and commerce, and even more for nefarious activities such as piracy and slavery.
It wasn’t always so, however. Before the Orion Syndicate became synonymous with the Orion people, the planet was the home to the (some say mythical) Orion Empire. Even if you don’t believe in the Empire’s existence, you can’t deny the existence of extensive archaeological evidence of an older advanced civilization that once called Orion home.
Besides the many archaeological sites, the planet boasts numerous universities and other cultural centers, such as the Adashake Center in the capitol city. There is also considerable advanced science and engineering occurring on Orion. They’re particularly renowned for their civil engineering; the planet’s extensive aquifer system is renowned Galaxy-wide, for instance.
Why You Should Play
Playing as an Orion (see page 109 of the second edition core rulebook) leads to a lot of people making a lot of assumptions. Simply because you have green skin, people are going to assume you’re a pirate with connections to the Orion Syndicate. Whether or not this is true, of course, is beside the point; it’s a preconception Orions have gone to a great deal of trouble to cultivate over the years, just as they’ve gone to a lot of effort to disguise the balance of power between the genders among their people.
Orion scientists and engineers, among many others, have long had to deal with the stigma of that particular assumption. Dealing with such prejudice causes many Orions to develop their personal sense of Presence and grow a thick skin to deflect the inevitable barbs.
Just because it’s a cliché doesn’t mean it’s not useful, either. While Orion scientists would rather be known for their scientific acumen, knowing how to negotiate with an opponent is part of their culture whether they like it or not. Many have developed a sharp Insight to help them read the room when presenting their case.
Not surprisingly, some Orions lean into their reputation, and increase their Daring by facing every situation like they’re about to be boarded by the authorities.
Order your print copy of the second edition Star Trek Adventures core rulebook now in standard format or one of three limited edition covers! And order a print copy of the second edition Game Toolkit as well, to expand your options for exploring the final frontier.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Command):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Sciences):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Operations):
All print orders will also receive the digital versions right away.
Alternatively, you can order the digital editions by themselves of the standard core rulebook and the Game Toolkit.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook PDF:
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