By Jim Johnson, STA Project Manager
Art BY Grzegorz Pedrycz
When Star Trek Adventures launched in 2017, we released a robust selection of miniatures along with the game, even though the game wasn’t reliant on miniatures used at the game table. When the miniatures line proved to be unsustainable in print format, we decided to release the entire range in 3D printable STL format. The first STL releases hit the market in the fall of 2022, with the remainder of the miniatures line released monthly over the first few months of 2023.
Encouraged by the sales of those STLs sets and singles, we developed three new STLs, releasing today. Three new cold warriors join the ranks: a Cardassian soldier, a Jem’Hadar warrior, and an original series Klingon warrior. All supported and ready for you to purchase, download, print, paint, and use against your player characters!

We’ll be monitoring sales of these and the other STL releases to determine if we should continue to release more STLs for Star Trek Adventures.
Like what you see? Let us know on the official Discord and tell us what additional STLs you’d like to see made available for the game! Show us your painted minis on Discord, X (@Modiphius), Facebook, and Instagram!
Buy the three new miniatures STLs now, print them off, and add them to your game! Purchase the Star Trek Adventures RPG core rulebook or the starter set and get started right away!
Thanks for reading this article, and thank you for your interest and support of Star Trek Adventures! Keep frequencies open for news about other Star Trek Adventures product releases. Live long and prosper!
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