Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel is a reboot of one of the most epic miniatures boardgames of the nineties and Modiphius has assembled an all-star team to work on the new version. Fager and Kopinksi join a squad which includes Richard Borg, Eric Lang and Kevin Wilson, and a sculpting team of Prodos Games and Paolo Parente.
In Siege of the Citadel players control one of five corporations: Imperial, Cybertronic, Mishima, Capitol, or Bauhausm as they try to prevent the Dark Legion and one of its vile leaders, Nepharite or Alakhai, from conquering a solar system riven by war.
Modiphius will be launching a Kickstarter campaign next year to support the launch with special bonuses for early backers and plans are currently to launch the full game at the Essen show in 2016 and with a retail release following in October 2016.
Anders Fager is a renowned Swedish novelist and scriptwriter, whose modern urban horror style has been described as “what would happen if James Ellroy took on H.P. Lovecraft”. Fager's fictional universe, known as "The Cult's World", features mythos entities like Hastur and
Dagon and has been adapted for a roleplaying game - he’s been hailed as ”the future of Lovecraftian horror”.
Fager is eager to start work on Siege of the Citadel and says: ”If Siege of the Citadel had been available when I was young I’d probably never left home."
New lead artist Stefan Kopinski will be illustrating Siege of the Citadel with a lavish full colour cover that perfectly captures the full scale war and unending conflict of Mutant Chronicles’ dark, techno fantasy future.
Having worked for Games Worksop, THQ, SEGA and Capcom amongst many others, Kopinski says he is very much looking forward to the challenge of working on Siege: "I always like the challenge of putting my visual slant on a good sequel and I'm very much looking forward to working with these chaps!"
More info: http://www.modiphius.com/siege-of-the-citadel.html