The Right Tools for the Job

By Jim Johnson, Star Trek™ Adventures Project Manager
Art by Andrew Clark


The first officer has contacted you—there’s an away team assembling in transporter room two to beam down and explore a newly-charted Class-L planet. Time to gather up your gear and report for duty! To support you and your crew’s efforts, Modiphius Entertainment is proud to announce the next supplement for the Star Trek™ Adventures second edition roleplaying game, the Technical Manual!

From its inception, Star Trek has illustrated humanity and its allies and adversaries exploring the Galaxy with a wide variety of tools and technologies at their disposal. From tricorders to phasers, deflector dishes to replicators, all the key technological achievements of the future are detailed in this book.

The Technical Manual is essential reading for any casual Star Trek fan or hardcore gamer interested in learning more about the wondrous technologies, ships, and weapons available to Starfleet personnel as well as members of many other species inhabiting the Star Trek universe, including the Klingons, Romulans, and Orions.

Use the contents of this book to learn more about the gear, weapons, and technologies of the Star Trek universe, and to enhance the Star Trek Adventures missions and campaigns you engage in with your friends. The contents of this book can be used with any edition of Star Trek Adventures as well as Captain’s Log.

To whet your appetite for what’s included, check out the table of contents:

Over the next several weeks, you can look forward to new blog posts discussing all the amazing technologies, tools, weapons, and gear that can be found in the Technical Manual and how to use the contents with other Star Trek Adventures products. Until then, keep your sensors calibrated, your phasers on standby, and your shuttle engines warm!

Preorder the print edition of the Technical Manual now and receive the final digital edition right away.


Thanks for reading this article, and thank you for your interest and support of Star Trek Adventures! Keep frequencies open for news about other upcoming Star Trek Adventures product releases. Live long and prosper! 


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