This week we've received the plastic samples for the Two Player Starter Box from the chinese factory and have been checking them over to confirm we're happy with the details. So you can see the process we've shown some closeup photos below with the resin version on the left, and the PVC version on the right.

Jon Webb our wargames manager has made some notes which you can check out below. Overall we're really happy as the detail has really come through - you can see for yourself though - click on the pictures to see a close up!

On the right Chris has gone through an AI mission over on Youtube and we filmed a walkthrough video to give you some insight in to what you can expect and how the game works as well as the AI system.

BoS T-60 - Webbing and piping looks good. Backpack canisters have retained rivets/details. Face looks fine and retains separate 'piping' around helmet'

BoS T-60 - Webbing and piping looks good. Backpack canisters have retained rivets/details. Face looks fine and retains separate 'piping' around helmet'

Nora - Vault Suit piping is well defined. Buttons still visible on pouches. Hair still has some individual strands.

​Super Mutant Brute - Muscle texture on back looks nice. Bandages on legs remain defined. Armour plates still have battle damage.

​Dogmeat - fur texture has carried over. Nuka caps on base look nice and crisp. Wood plank and concrete textures have carried over. Teeth are still visible

Super Mutant Pipe Rifle - Gun barrel kept details well. Armour plates look good. Wire/rope on legs is still well defined and pronounced. Rope texture is slight, but still visible (might need a slight emphasis, but its PVC, so losing surface texture is unsurprising)

Male Settler - Definition on chain and webbing/bags is still mostly present. Rips and tears in clothing are present. Plants and gravel still seen on base. Note slight 'lean' on PVC model will be corrected for production.

Super Mutant Hounds - 1 part mould means no joins/seams on legs, so no filling. Muscle texture and teeth have transferred well. Cracked slabs on base retained detail. Nostrils and eyes present

​Female Settler - Strong creasing in clothes and bandages on legs. Hair is still defined strands. Base retained wood grain and small textures.

Enslaved Tech - Muscle definition and hair strands remain on model. Detail on pipe wrench has transferred very well.

Deathclaw - base tyre and rocks look good, Texture has transferred over well. Skin still has crags and ridges. Face looks nice and mean. Back ridges as part of the body means fewer gaps to fill.

The retail pre-order bonus of the Alien Zetan is only in PVC and you can see the sample here!