By Rachael Cruz, Star Trek Adventures Contributing Writer
Art by Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo
The Star Trek Adventures second edition core rulebook is now available in print and digital formats. To support the game’s launch, we’re using several weeks of STA-related blogs to provide more detail on each of the playable character species presented in the core rulebook. Perhaps the information provided in these brief travelogues will help to arm you with ideas and inspiration on what species you might want to use for your character.
Planetary Background
Earth is the homeworld of the Human species. In this enlightened age, the species has thrived, with protected places for nature to grow alongside its sentient caretakers. The environmental remnants of atomic war have been repaired and further controlled through extensive use of science and technologies, and it seems Humans have reached a near-idyllic state of well-being.
Earth supports both urban arcology and rural living. A planetary teleportation network makes long-distance travel a breeze, adding to one’s fullness of life and contentment. Moreover, it is home to not one but two sentient species: Humans (see page 107 of the second edition core rulebook) and Cetaceans.
The United Federation of Planets has its storied capitol here, and the famous Starfleet Academy is the pride and joy of the system. Here, cadets can train, learn, and shine in their chosen professions, eventually earning much-lauded commissions and assignments to spaceships, stations, and far-away planetary outposts.
Why You Should Play
Someone raised on Earth would, more likely than not, be raised in an idyllic society, where starvation and war have been all but eradicated. Individuals are allowed to be whoever they are driven to be, encouraged to play a part in society’s ever-forward growth.
This doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t know about the topics of strife, war, and oppression. It is an important part of history and is taught not only to dissuade current populations from making those mistakes, but to foster a sense of sympathy and empathy towards societies that have not yet reached the peace on Earth. This careful study in compassion encourages Insight in the population—not a surprise when you consider Earth is the birthplace of the Federation. With its abundance of physical, mental, and spiritual health, residents often enjoy an increased Fitness as well.

Art by: Nick Greenwood
Planetary Background
The glorious Klingon Empire dominates the southern half of the Beta Quadrant. The green-tinted planet Qo’noS (pronounced “Kronos”) is the proud, Class-M capitol of the Empire. Its surface is fierce, much like its inhabitants; jagged mountains, active volcanoes, and massive storms challenge any who dare live there.
Though its star burns dimmer than Sol, the proximity of Qo’noS to its mother means that the temperature’s habitable, but warmer than Earth. The rivers of lava don’t really help the temperature either!
The world of Qo’noS boasts a singular landmass dominating the entire planet. The gravity is slightly heavier than Earth’s, so non-natives often find themselves easily fatigued between the additional press of the atmosphere, hot weather, and difficult terrain.
Despite all the challenges inherent in living on Qo’noS, the cities forged by Klingons are ancient and inspirational. The capitol city itself is displayed proudly atop a grand mountain range, a constant beacon, testament to the might and strength of the Empire.
Why You Should Play
Qo’noS is a harsh world, and it breeds harsh, resilient people. The tall, strong Klingons (see page 108 of the second edition core rulebook) do not accept weakness in their own, and so any character from this world would be trained towards strength of body and will. High ratings in Daring and Fitness would be practically demanded from such a character. To live a raucous, proactive life, to live fully and laugh loudly, to sing fiercely and love ferociously: this is the life expected of someone from Qo’noS. The truly inspirational have the Presence to announce their lives boldly to the world.
Order your print copy of the second edition Star Trek Adventures core rulebook now in standard format or one of three limited edition covers! And order a print copy of the second edition Game Toolkit as well, to expand your options for exploring the final frontier.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Command):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Sciences):
2nd Edition Core Rulebook (Operations):
All print orders will also receive the digital versions right away.
Alternatively, you can order the digital editions by themselves of the standard core rulebook and the Game Toolkit.
2nd Edition Core Rulebook PDF:
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