In our final blog post about the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG, we look at how the miniatures game and RPG can potentially be used together. James Sheahan (designer of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG expansion) provides some details on how the two styles of game fit together and what this can deliver.
The RPG has been designed specifically so it integrates as much as possible with the miniatures game and vice versa. The core mechanics are the same. We have loosened some restrictions to allow the Gamesmaster more agency and some rules which are there to ensure balance in a two player game are not required. For example we do not have the same limitations on how many attacks a creature has in the miniature game as the GM may desire to make it more dangerous. Player characters from the RPG can be used in the miniatures game, and Units from the miniatures game can be used in the RPG (in fact, they are the GM’s NPCs). As a result, there is excellent potential to use both styles of game. Potentially, GMs can create a miniatures campaign with elements that are resolved using the RPG and vice versa. Using the miniatures game for combat during the RPG is likely to be less required as the RPG’s combat is very similar but with less emphasis on exact model position.
As the RPG uses the same cards as the miniatures game, most new cards for the miniatures game are new content for the RPG too. (I say ‘most’ as some card types are not specifically used in the RPG, although they can be useful and we’ll look at this a bit later on.) Prior to the release of Wave 2 of the miniatures game, it was announced that the new waves of products for the miniatures game will include a card pack for that wave, containing all the cards for that wave (as no cards will come with the models). These card packs will contain further weapons, items and Units (NPCs) which can also be used in the RPG too.
Tokens and Cards
The RPG has been written without using tokens; however, players can use any tokens from the miniatures game they find useful such as to show conditions (each of which already has an icon on the character mat to use for tracking), activation tokens, Critical Points, and so on.
Whilst some types of cards are not used in the RPG, the GM can use some to trigger ideas, randomly create situations, etc. For example, Danger cards can be used to generate random dangers such as when failing a test to open a trapped lock, and Creature cards can be used to generate random creatures such as when investigating an old ruin.
Similarly, Explore cards can be used to generate minor encounters during a journey. For example, it takes 2 days to reach the outpost during which time 3 Explore cards are drawn and resolved each day. The incidents on the cards may just be a starting point for the GM who may read the card and create a larger scene around it. Event cards can be used the same way. The RPG rulebook includes some advice on how these cards can be used with the RPG.
AI and the RPG
Someone asked if the AI can be used in the RPG. It’s an interesting idea but they’re not specifically used as the GM determines all the NPCs’ actions; however, if they really wanted to a GM could potentially use the AI cards to give them some inspiration.
On a side note, I have joked previously that players could make AI cards for their own RPG character and have the GM use those if a player can’t attend a session. It made me think if no players made it to a session, the GM could still run a game with no players and just their AI :) That’s certainly not the intention and I was only joking - interesting thought though.
Until next time, happy wandering in the Wasteland. You can pre-order the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG Expansion here.