By April Hill
Fallout Friday October 2023 is upon us! We have had many new Fallout releases for you since our last blog post including a painting competition announcement, minis, supplements, and rules!
New Releases
Raiders- Operators Bosses
That’s right! The brother and sister duo, William Black and Mags Black, who lead the Operators Raider gang in Nuka-World are now available to add to your game alongside their chemistry loving co-conspirator Lizzie Wyath.
Raiders- Disciples Leaders
The Operators are not the only gang in Nuka-World. The Disciples, lead by the ruthless rule-breaker Nisha. With her are her brutally loyal enforcer Savoy and girlishly yet off the rails psychotic Dixie. You can expect this team to deliver a bloody good mess when you encounter them in Nuka-World.
Raiders- Pack Top Dogs
If a howling good time is more your fancy then you might enjoy the leagues of The Pack. Pack Alpha Mason is flanked by his two loyal hounds in this box set. Do you dare to challenge his raider reign in Nuka-World?
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare- Nuka World Rules Expansion PDF
In the Nuka-Word Rules Expansion you can choose to align yourself with one of the above raider gangs and engage in multistage war for the park in our all new campaign system! You can expect to see updated rules for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare in this new expansion which will help streamline your campaigns as well as new cards and scenarios. And if that wasn’t enough we also provide beautifully painted miniatures photos with painting guides so your table will look stunningly terrifying.
Fallout: The RPG Settler’s Guide Book

Our TTRPG fans also get something new this month with the release of the Settler’s Guide book! It contains exciting new character origins for you to play such as Minutemen, NCR, Robobrains, Securitrons, and more! Want a trusty companion by your side while you traverse the nuclear wasteland? There are new companion options and rules so you don’t have to scavenge alone. You can also deck out your own automatrons with mix and match robot parts. I am sure that will come in “handy.” More weapons? You’ve got it! If you enjoy a more settlement focused game play then you will love this new guide book.
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare T-45 Painting Competition
Paint up your best T-45 Heavy Armour Plastic mini, and submit a photo on our designated Discord channel by January 1st 2024!
1st place wins £100 store credit and a Studio Painted mini
2nd place wins £75 store credit
3rd place wins £50 store credit
- Must post completed Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Brotherhood of Steel: Heavy Armor (T45) by Jan 1st 2024.
- Photo of mini must be with plain background, no diorama or staging.
- No 3rd party kitbashing (only use Modiphius parts or STLs)
- Base must be 40mm.
- Must be Fallout themed. (Example: No stormtrooper or space marines)
- One entry per person.
- Add your social media handles with your entry.
- Must be 18+ years old to enter.
Entries will be announced live on our Twitch channel from our panel of selected judges on a TBD date in January.
We’ve already seen some incredible miniatures painted and shared for the competition and can’t wait to see more come in! Here is a look at two submissions we have received so far.
By Jakesy
By MaxBottomtext
And lastly, Steve and Callum have started a monthly chill painting stream where you can chat, ask questions, get tips from our professional studio painter, Callum, as well as watch Steve try and learn the hobby. Catch the next stream on November 3rd at 5pm GMT / 10am PT on our Twitch channel.
We want to see your actual plays, battle reports, tables, and miniatures! Tag us on your social media posts and share them on our Discord! We love seeing the creativity in our Fallout community.