Featuring Corey Broadway-Bennett
As part of our ongoing exploration of 3D printing, I’ve been catching up with community members (as well as dipping my toes into the waters with my own 3D printer). We aim our sets at the resin side of things, but there are plenty of folks out there who are well versed in FDM printing and are getting great results.
As such, I sat down to talk to Corey Broadway-Bennet about his experiences and results printing our range on his setup.
Jon - Corey, thanks for taking the time to chat to me, first up why don’t you introduce yourself and give us a bit of your background when it comes to Fallout and Wasteland Warfare.
Corey - Hi, my name is Corey Broadway-Bennett, I’m 51yrs old, and I have been playing with toy soldiers for as long as I can remember, but I started to get serious in my early teens with DnD and then in the late 80’s with Rogue Trader and Battletech and have been Wargaming and Roleplaying various games ever since.
Jon - a tale many of us can tell for sure. Some classics in there.
Corey - I have been a big fan of the post apocalyptic genre since Mad Max, The Day After and on a side note Romero’s Dead series. Then in the late 80’s, the game, Wasteland. So when Fallout came out around 97 I was already hooked and have been playing the computer games (yes even 76) ever since. Besides having a feature wall full of Fallout memorabilia, my wife and I also cosplay fallout themed characters at conventions.
Jon - I’m always envious when I see folks with the various Fallout replica props… I need to start saving my bottle caps and see if I can do some bartering to secure some.
Corey - Getting involved in Wasteland Warfare was easy. I bought 2 starter sets on release and have bought almost every model since. Some multiple times. Sadly, I live in Australia and the game hasn’t yet become popular enough for stores to run any events, so I play with a small group of friends or solo.
The Survivors are my favourite faction, due to their diversity in looks and abilities. From power armour, robots, dogs and Super mutants, you can use them all.
Nuka Girl is one of my favourite characters. She is fast and has luck and crits built in to her card and she has some good abilities. Also, her Perception (pistols), Charisma (for spotting), Agility (for health and thrown weapons) and Luck are all high. Her defence is pretty good too as is her Intelligence for hacking computers. Her only downside is her default armour, but I don’t use her to tank, so this isn’t really a concern for me.
And now that the themed Nuka World STL’s are being released, I will be running whole battles and campaigns around her.
Jon - I certainly spent a lot of time in Nuka World so can’t wait for that research to start paying off. The STL sets shown so far are kind of the start of something even bigger… on that note, how did you start down the 3D printing route?
Corey - I bought my first 3D printer, a Cocoon Create about 3 years ago and have been dabbling off and on printing terrain pieces for my games. I now have an Endor 3 Pro and have virtually been printing Fallout items for cosplay to gaming pieces ever since. I have really only just scratched the surface with printing as I have not created anything myself and I don’t normally tweak any of the default settings, preferring the safe method. So for any more experienced users in our community, I am always looking for advice.
Jon - So, we intended this range to mostly work with resin printers. However, you are using FDM for your experiments. Talk us through some of the experiences you have had working with a filament printer and our new sets.
Corey - I have printed a diverse range of objects and have had success with most of them. I may be wrong in saying this and hope to be corrected by more experienced people, but I find the smaller items and ones with finer detail do not come out very well with an FDM.
Also, I personally seem to have a higher success rate printing the files on a raft rather than the brim or skirt, I don’t need to use glue or painters tape on the bed like quite a few people do.

Jon - Any advice to people who are thinking of trying out any of the sets but don’t have resin printers?
Corey - This all depends on which FDM printer you have purchased. But for myself and the Ender 3 pro, you can print terrain pieces comparable with a resin printer. Choosing a fine detail setting and slowing down the print speed produces better results and you can find several examples on the Fallout and Elder Scroll 3D community FB group and the members are very helpful with advice and tips to further improve your results.
Jon - You’ve become my test subject (hopefully willing) for some of the future sets, so have a little bit of advanced knowledge about what I’m planning. With that in mind, what would you like to see in future sets for the print at home range?
Corey - I would love to see more themed sets. New Vegas, Diamond City, Far Harbour, the Castle from Fallout 4, even some quirky thrown down terrain like the Pulowski shelter with a skeleton in it. I think having terrain that is distinctly Fallout themed really immerses you into the setting.
Jon - Corey, thanks for your time (both here and in testing). We’ve included some shots of the results you are getting so anyone with a filament printer who is interested in trying the line out can get some idea of what to expect. Thanks for helping out and looking forward to seeing your future results.